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Factors that affect Google PageRank

factor pagerank
It seems that Google PageRank is now  packaged for June 2011.

Google PageRank for me ni full mystery. Many factors may affect the PR of a blog is just as there are up or down. Sometimes we should not kid-term. SEO is one of the factors that greatly influence the increase or decrease the pagerank a web or blog.

Here is the grading scale rather than the source of the Google PageRank of the factors that led to the rise and fall pagerank of a blog.

Factors that Increase Google PageRank.

  • Update Pages Frequently - 2 / 10
  • Add Pages Frequently - 4 / 10
  • No Broken Links - 5 / 10
  • Good Neighborhood Directories with high PageRank Levels - 7 / 10
  • Monster Websites - 7 / 10
  • Quality Relevant Links - 9 / 10
  • Article Submissions (this can increase of your PageRank is by getting more inbound links)
  • All these put together - 10/10

Factors Lowering Google PageRank.

  • Bad inbound links such as P0ker, Lucah, sex and so on
  • link spamming
  • Bad Content
  • Many broken links
  • Black Hat SEO Techniques

Description: Factors that affect Google PageRank Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Zein Okeh - ItemReviewed: Factors that affect Google PageRank

Posted by: Zein Okeh Share Everything, Updated at: Wednesday, June 29, 2011

12 komentar:

Manifo said...

I've got five pages i was taking care of at the same way. Two of them have a PR 2, one has 1 and last two 0. I have no idea why there is such a big difference.

Zein Okeh said...

may have different quality of those links and pages may be of different ages, sometimes the age of a page can also affect

Admin said...

i like l like

Flash Game Development said...

Interesting, i like and agree with your post. Keep it up.

Link Building Blog said...

Article submission is a technique I use a lot, but mostly for anchor text. I haven't found it to be worthwhile for Page Rank purposes, but nonetheless it can always help. great post by the way!

seoruchi said...

It is very true that Search engine optimization is a technique to optimize the website in different search engine. If you have to popularity of your website then you have to follow this rules as described here. Really very nice blog!

php2ranjan said...

SEO is about more than using the right keywords. It is about having better linking structure and Meta tags than your competition. It is about getting popular search engines. Blog comments and forum profiles are also two important SEO techniques that can boost your search engine rankings

ruchiwebsolutions said...

If you want to optimize your web site in top position of search engine result pages then first of all you have to understand the basic fundamentals of search engine optimization. Through this article I came to know about the SEO techniques which can be applied after the panda relese for beginners like me.
It’s a great post, you really are a good writer! I’m so glad someone like you have the time, efforts and dedication writing, for this kind of article… Helpful, And Useful.. Very nice post!

webdesignpatna said...

The goal is to make a site easy to find, easy to follow, and easy to read for search spiders and live-visitors, with well written topical content and relevant incoming links. While basic SEO can be time consuming in the early stages, the results are worth the effort and set the stage for more advanced future work.

seoruchi said...

hi, that was a lovely article on the ,There is a huge list of SEO techniques that we can apply to increase the page rank and while doing the onpage optimization there are certain points which still plays an important role, like Content is the most important factor for SEO, Tital tags , meta tags and their description

webhostingruchi said...

The goal is to make a site easy to find, easy to follow, and easy to read for search spiders and live-visitors, with well written topical content and relevant incoming links. While basic SEO can be time consuming in the early stages, the results are worth the effort and set the stage for more advanced future work.

webhostingruchi said...

hi, that was a lovely article on the ,There is a huge list of SEO techniques that we can apply to increase the page rank and while doing the onpage optimization there are certain points which still plays an important role, like Content is the most important factor for SEO, Tital tags , meta tags and their description

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