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Add a META Description and META Keyword on Blogger

Its nothing wrong we try to use the meta keywords and meta descripsi to our blog, especially for users of
To optimize search results (SEO) on, you can add a meta description and meta keywords on your blog / website using blogspot. This we did on our customer website striated-themed crafts. This website is using the domain name in a private facility in blogspot (custom domain name).

Prior to the Meta Keyword and Meta Description, inform me first about understanding metadata. Understanding Metadata is simply in my opinion is data about a data, whether text, photos / pictures, sounds. For example in a photo taken using the camera, will have the metadata in the form of image capture date, type of camera used, image size, speed shooting, etc.. To vote, has the form of metadata, singer name, album, song name, the order of songs (tracks), the type of song, etc.. This metadata can we see one of them through File Explorer, by right-clicking the file and choose Properties (select Summary> Advanced).

Likewise, the Meta Keyword and Meta Description, it also forms a second meta application / visualization of metadata. As the name implies, Meta keywords are keywords that represent the content of the website / blog, so Meta Keyword itself contains words or phrases, for example on a website / blog that contains a GSM mobile phone technology, then the keyword (keywords) which could represent, among others: GSM, mobile phone, 3G, 3.5G, GPRS, EDGE, Symbian, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and so on. Meta Keyword itself can help increase traffic to your website / blog via search engines, for keywords that we make in the Meta Keyword is also one part that is indexed by search engines. The more precise we choose keywords, it will help in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

While the Meta Description itself is a short description (resume) from your website / blog, so Meta Description contains brief information about the website / blog.

Both these meta (Meta Keyword and Meta Description) mounted on the HEAD section of a website / blog. The format of the writing of Meta Keyword and Meta Description are as follows:

Here's how to enter a meta description and meta keywords on blogspot:
1. Log into Blogger
2. Click the Layout> Edit HTML
3. Back up your template as a precaution with a click downloading full template.
4. Check the box Expand Widget Templates.
5. Find the code below:
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content '/>
6. Under the above codes, put the new code as follows:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Write your Descrition' name='description'/>
<meta content='Enter your keywords (separated by commas)'

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + &quot;Write your description the same as your description above&quot;' name='description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + &quot;, Your Keyword the same as your keyword above&quot;' name='keywords'/>

7. Click the Save Template button.

Description: Add a META Description and META Keyword on Blogger Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Zein Okeh - ItemReviewed: Add a META Description and META Keyword on Blogger

Posted by: Zein Okeh Share Everything, Updated at: Monday, March 28, 2011

8 komentar:

freak said...

can you give me detail about how meta work to SEO.

share everything said...

They are information inserted into the "head" area of your web pages. Other than the title tag (explained below), information in the head area of your web pages is not seen by those viewing your pages in browsers. Instead, meta information in this area is used to communicate information that a human visitor may not be concerned with. Meta tags, for example, can tell a browser what "character set" to use or whether a web page has self-rated itself in terms of adult content.

Meta Tags do not affect the appearance of a web site and are not visible when you look at a Web page, but they provide information regarding the content of the site. Meta Tags are used primarily by search engines that scan through the programming code and text of each page.

When you submit a web site to a search engine, that search engine sends out a robot called a "spider" or "crawler". This robot is a program that looks at your site, decides if it will be indexed, and then (if you're accepted) looks through your web page more thoroughly before finally indexing it into a specific search engine database.

Ryan Sammut said...

I have just read your article, and would like to point out that Google doesn't use keywords any more for it's rankings.

Zein Okeh said...

i think so. but with the right keywords .. search engine will place our blog at the good ranking.
or what which makes the ranking for google?

hot mobile news said...

meta descrioptoon and meta keywords can make my blog better on SEO.

mlm software india said...

thank you for this information i really like this information b'coz it's very useful for me

mlm services india said...

thank you or this useful information i use this code in my blog
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Badrun Badranaya said...

I've made several website with CMS, none was blogspot before. I'm very surprised to know that blogspot has no metadata by default. Thank you for this usefull article.

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