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Mobile bacterial much more than toilet bacterial

We may wonder with the title I gave. This is the reality, of a dangerous bacteria in the mobile, proved by news apparently killed a man.

The real story is that there is a man stole a mobile phone is in ebola virus quarantine area. As a result, the man who stole mobile phone has attached the ebola virus.
mobile holding a mobile phone
imgae source :
Charles Gerba A microbiologist from the university of arizona said, that bacteria in mobile phones more than in the appeal of the bacteria in the toilet. Even Gerba said that the bacteria can be compared among 10-to-1. This can be proved with that if we can clean toilet all the time but we never clean the phone.

So if you want to eat after holding a mobile phone you should wash your hands thoroughly, it might be because you are exposed to mobile phone full of harmful bacteria that cause illness.

Gerba also added "that he often saw people using mobile phones in the toilet", but it is not the main thing that causes many bacteria in the phone. The main cause of the disease is sharing a cell phone. It makes it more dangerous, because the mobile phone is used near the mouth that makes it easier for bacteria to enter the body.

In this condition, you should think twice before lending your mobile phone to another, rather than stingy but it's for mobile health and your body :). Or at least you use earphones or you can also clean the phone at any time.

As sometimes I keep my phone in any place, dusty and it would make me sneeze because of dust. Until now a runny nose continues.

It seems light and there may be those among us who will not believe it, but it's a fact that may be not aware of it.
Just in case we should be able to start doing what it says Gerba is important for our health. Refence :

Description: Mobile bacterial much more than toilet bacterial Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Zein Okeh - ItemReviewed: Mobile bacterial much more than toilet bacterial

Posted by: Zein Okeh Share Everything, Updated at: Monday, September 03, 2012

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