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Resetting file security permission in windows 7

The use of windows 7 there seems to be going to the few problem that we feel annoyed about it, for me and some users who are new users it seems it was very disturbing and very frustrating to them about it.

As in some cases about file permissions in windows 7. Some of the folders that it can not be acces  even though we as an administrator.

Example: some files on hard drive in drive D: Were not accessible anymore and I was getting "Access Denied"

The first step can not work:

Tried to right-click/properties That were the resource persons on the folders not accessible and Their changed owners and changed permissions but still some folders were the resource persons still inaccessible not matter what I did.

After some research, it turned out the tool "cacls" that allows one to display or change ACLs (access control lists) can help to reset the ACLs.

In Windows 7 it ​​is called "icalcs". To reset the files permissions:

1. Run "cmd" as Administrator

2. Go to the drive or folder in question, for example:

CD / D D:

3. To reset all the files permissions, type:

icacls * / T / Q / C / RESET

4. And that's it!

After that, reset the files permissions were the resource persons and I Could access Them back again.

cacls is a handy tool to change permissions of files en masse.
Sources :

Description: Resetting file security permission in windows 7 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Zein Okeh - ItemReviewed: Resetting file security permission in windows 7

Posted by: Zein Okeh Share Everything, Updated at: Thursday, October 27, 2011

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