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PageRank Checker Tool

PageRank is Google's method of measuring how important your site to others. The higher your PageRank value shows your site is very helpful to others and can appear in a better position in Google search. PageRank is a measurement of 1 to 10 with 10 as the best value.
Google does the composition of its search results using the following method:

Find all sites that match your keywords.
Prepared according to factor in your yard, such as keyword density, meta tags and more.
Customizing search results by position according to its PageRank.

We look at PageRank as an element of a multiplier (multiplier) in the search results on Google. So that when we have a PageRank of 0 (zero) then the site will be displayed at the end of search results with other sites that also have a PageRank 0.
PageRank is the basic theory to calculate the number of links to our site. With the principle as simple as a link on page A to page B to page A page B said it very useful or important to visit. And the nature of this pointer is derived, meaning that if page A is appointed by the PageRank of page B is high, then all the designated page A page too, becomes more important or beneficial according to Google.

A key factor in search engine in general is a meta tag of your page. But because of the ease be modified by webmasters meta tag so often confuse the results of a Google search, where Google's search results become irrelevant with the desire seeker. So Google is trying to keep kualitinya using PageRank as an indicator of our pages, where it is very difficult to be understood by the webmaster.

Currently, many webmasters are trying to get links from outside into the site in hopes of getting a better position PageRank. Yet that is without considering the qualities that make the site a link to her site. This may be a grief to us. Because the links are too many of the sites that are not qualified will result in destroying your own PageRank.

Instead get links from sites that have had previous high PageRank, and has a similar category to your website that will help your PageRank. So look at the links you get from others.

Page rank checker tool, how google rank our web / blog.

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Description: PageRank Checker Tool Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Zein Okeh - ItemReviewed: PageRank Checker Tool

Posted by: Zein Okeh Share Everything, Updated at: Saturday, July 30, 2011

6 komentar:

UJANG said...

Yes......Pangrank it is very important for our website

Exercise Equipment said...

Thanks for sharing this tool with us man.

Satellite Internet said...

Page rank is definitely what's gonna get you noticed in Google search engine. You have to make use of all the SEO tools you can!

CBT Training said...

I don't think Pagerank is of as great importance as it used to be. Get on the first page of Google search and you should be fine.

inder singh said...

Great advice. I generally ignore anyone that does not use their name, they rarely have anything interesting to say for themselves!

Forum share everything said...

what is the most important for you in build web/blog?

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