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Cyber attacks are increasingly easy to find and use

Symantec Corp. announced a new report titled Report on Attack toolkits and Malicious Websites. From the report note that the device to make cyber attacks are increasingly easy to find and use.

Tools to make this attack is also increasingly in demand by traditional criminals who have no technical expertise in cyberspace crime. With this tool, they can be more independent, organized, and get higher profits.

"In the past, hackers have to create their own program from the initial attacker. This complex process that limits the number of attackers that only a small group of cyber criminals who are very skilled, "said Stephen Trilling, senior vice president, Symantec Security Technology and Response.

As quoted from Secure Computing, February 8, 2011, Trilling says, toolkits such attacks make even beginners can easily launch a cyber attack.

"We estimate that cyber-crime activity will increase," said Trilling. "As a result, opportunities for ordinary people who access the Internet to be a victim, get bigger," he said.

Because cyber attacks become more profitable, the popularity of the toolkit to make the attacks also increased dramatically and direct maker kit for device makers to build more powerful attacks and sophisticated.

"Kit attacks now often sold by the subscription model with periodic updates, along with components that expand the capabilities of this kit, and support services," said Trilling. "The cyber criminals are routinely advertise the services of installation, rental unlimited access to the console kit, and use a commercial anti-piracy tool to prevent attackers from using the tool without pay," he said.

From the data collected by Symantec, a maker toolkit is the most common attacks MPack, Neosploit, Zeus, Nukesploit P4ck, and Phoenix.
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Description: Cyber attacks are increasingly easy to find and use Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Zein Okeh - ItemReviewed: Cyber attacks are increasingly easy to find and use

Posted by: Zein Okeh Share Everything, Updated at: Wednesday, February 09, 2011

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